Monday, October 20, 2008

New Weston A. Price Chapter

Melinda Larson writes:

Sherrin Ingram and I are starting a Weston A. Price Chapter in Downers Grove. The Weston A Price Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism. It is hard to believe, but there is very few items you can purchase in a regular grocery store that are high in nutrients. Also with the focus on low fat, you would be surprised to find out which items are nutrient dense. Through getting the proper nutrition information you can make choices that will help your family feel better, have less illnesses and be more energetic. Making the change takes time and support, which is why we decided to start a chapter. Part of the change includes eating local organic foods, raw nuts, raw pasture fed dairy and pasture fed animals. I am writing this not just to inform you about our group, but to ask for your help in making the local resource list. If you have a hook up to get any of the above foods, please email me the information.

If you would like to know more about our Chapter please visit the website and/or contact me. Below is a link to tour the Weston A. Price website to learn more:

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